Who Should Register?
Students interested in on-stage roles and off-stage roles.
Registration Fees
Registration is $50/student (max of $100/family). We are moving to a "one-stop-shop" model, trying to reduce the number of times we ask you to send in forms/payment throughout the season.
Your registration fee includes:
-Club Fees
-1 cast/crew t-shirt per registered child
-1 DVD per family
We do not want this change in fee collection to be a reason kids do not participate in the show! If this poses a financial challenge but your child(ren) are interested, please reach out to the producers or Mrs. Sara Dempsey.
Payments may be made by credit card using venmo or by cash or checks made out to "MPRCS Drama Club" and sending payment in through school. Please send payment in an envelope with your child(ren)'s name on it marked "Drama Club Registration."
Note: Registration and Fees are due by January 5th. Your child will not be allowed to audition if they have not been registered and paid their club fees.