Please be sure to check your child’s gold Home/School folder each night. Homework will be placed on the “Return to School” side.
Any other papers to keep home to practice skills or review, along with announcements, reminders & flyers will also go home in this folder, so please be sure to check and empty each night.
We work hard during the school day, so homework assignments will not always be something that has to be "turned in."
However, throughout the week, even if paper homework isn't sent home that night, please continue to practice the following skills at home:
*sight word review
*kid writing practice using the 5 star sentence rubric (start with a capital letter, finger spaces, stretch the sounds, picture details, & punctuation)
*letter naming and sound fluency
*read 15 minutes nightly/Book It Challenge
*practice reciting our kindergarten daily prayers and the Sign of the Cross
*practice tying shoes
*review your address & phone number
*write your full name, letters, & numbers with proper formation
*number & fact fluency games
*Xtra Math
*Teach Your Monster